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Marceli Adamczyk

Grounds of Perception

It is often claimed that people are unable to recall exactly what was said during important events or conversations, but they almost always remember how they felt. Details are forgotten or unimportant, while emotions leave heavy, jagged traces. This notion can be applied to how the artist Marceli Adamczyk approaches art-making. Adamczyk's work, which includes painting, textile, sculpture, and an array of mixed media, presents itself in the form of generous washes of saturated color and great, expanding shapes that appear to explode off the canvas.
Ssscreep - backyard
Length: 5:21 min

Grounds of Perception

Marceli Adamczyk


Online Gallery

It is often claimed that people are unable to recall exactly what was said during important events or conversations, but they almost always remember how they felt. Details are forgotten or unimportant, while emotions leave heavy, jagged traces. This notion can be applied to how the artist Marceli Adamczyk approaches art-making. Adamczyk's work, which includes painting, textile, sculpture, and an array of mixed media, presents itself in the form of generous washes of saturated color and great, expanding shapes that appear to explode off the canvas.

Untitled 2022, Spray-and Oil on Canvas, 160x120cm
Untitled 2021, Spray and Pigments on canvas, 70x50cm
Untitled 2020, Spray and Pigments on Canvas, 60x40cm
Untitled 2020, Spray and Pigment on Canvas, 70x50cm
Untitled 2020, Spray and Pigments on Canvas, 60x40cm
Untitled 2021, Spray and Pigments on Canvas, 70x50cm
Untitled 2022, Oil on Canvas, 70x50cm
Untitled 2020, Spray and Pigments on Canvas, 120x100cm
Untitled 2022, Spray and Oil on Canvas, 70x50cm
Untitled 2020, Spray and Pigments on Canvas, 190x150cm
Untitled 2020, Spray and Pigments on Canvas, 130x80cm
Untitled 2022, Spray and Oil on Canvas, 190x150cm
Untitled 2020-2021, Spray and Pigments on Canvas, 120x100cm
Untitled 2021-22, Spray and Oil on Canvas, 160x120cm
Untitled 2021, Spray and Pigments on Canvas, 120x100cm
Untitled 2021-2022, Spray and Oil on Canvas, 160x120cm
Untitled 2020, Spray and Pigments on Canvas, 120x100cm
Untitled 2020-2021, Spray and Pigments on Canvas, 100x90cm
Untitled 2020, Spray on Canvas, 120x100cm
Untitled 2020, Spray and Pigment on Canvas, 60x40cm
Untitled 2019-2020, Spray and Oil on Canvas, 40x30cm
Untitled 2020, Spray and Pigments on Canvas, 60x40cm
Untitled 2022, Spray and Oil Colors on Canvas, 70x50cm